Access Options

Premium Plan 50% Discount

Unlock premium features designed to enhance your experience. Enjoy exclusive access to tools and resources tailored for your needs. Start exploring today!

  • Unlimited profile search
  • Access to 240 contacts
  • Premium features
  • Six months access
  • Subscription fee: Rs. 2,500/=

Gain access to six months of premium features with no commitment. Unlimited profiles views, connect with up to 240 contacts, and enjoy an enhanced experience tailored to you.

Payment Options

Bank Transfer

  • Bank: Sampath Bank
  • Account Name: J.M.M.T.Jayasekara
  • Account Number: 103952346992
  • Branch: Malabe

Payment Instructions:

  1. Register on our website
  2. Deposit Rs. 2,500/= to our bank account
  3. Send the payment slip copy with your membership number via:
    • • WhatsApp: 070 184 6692
  4. After verification, we'll activate your account and will received a SMS.

Card Payments

We accept all major credit and debit cards:

Visa Mastercard

After payment, we will active your account after review your profile details. You will recive a SMS after verification complete.